Jordy Deelight has professionally worked in Film & Television for the last 3 years.

During the 2020 lockdown Jordy began taking two courses of medication – one for cystic fibrosis, one for depression – that had transformative effects on their life.Two in the Morning, One at Night is 25-minute film in which Jordy uses the visua…

During the 2020 lockdown Jordy began taking two courses of medication – one for cystic fibrosis, one for depression – that had transformative effects on their life.

Two in the Morning, One at Night is 25-minute film in which Jordy uses the visual art of drag make up with pill capsules, prescriptions and medical utensils, and a script that looks at the transformative ways in which kaftrio changed their cystic fibrosis physically and mirtazapine helped them deal with their mental health and work through their past trauma with online therapy.

The film features two voice over actors, Raelene Goody & Mandy Rayner. Mandy Rayner is a Glasgow based creative, activist and stand-up comedian, who has worked with the Empowered Woman Project, TEDx, BBC and much more, focusing her work on mental health recovery, intersectional feminism and the decriminalisation of sex workers. Raelene Goody is an actress and singer based in Gatwick, England, who has worked in film and theatre, as well as an advocate for Cystic Fibrosis and mental health. CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO BE TAKEN TO THE MOVIE

The film explores trauma and suicide. If you are affected by any of the issues explored, you can call the Cystic Fibrosis Trust on 0300 373 1000 or the Samaritans on 116 113.

Jordy has been working professionally with the National Theatre of Scotland to create Dear Deelight. Click on the picture to be taken to the work. I’ll be frank…even though my name’s Jordy.Tune in for Dear Deelight, the brand-new drag…

Jordy has been working professionally with the National Theatre of Scotland to create Dear Deelight. Click on the picture to be taken to the work.

I’ll be frank…even though my name’s Jordy.

Tune in for Dear Deelight, the brand-new drag-ony aunt phenomenon doling out sage advice and sassy quips. Dreary dates, bad boyfriends and rocky relationships - the Real Housewife of Leith has all the answers.

When the camera stops, the wig comes off, the makeup is wiped away and “Jordy Deelight” is just Tyler...and Tyler is facing his own relationship woes.

One won’t talk, the other won’t listen. So, will it be dates or mates?

A short film written by Jordy Deelight and directed by Debbie Hannan.

A National Theatre of Scotland production.

Dear Deelight is part of National Theatre of Scotland’s Pride 2021 celebrations.


The Gratitude Initiative

Jordy has been working alongside producers Catriona Calchini and Alannah Watson digitally, with an LGBT+ and shielding group in Fife, creating digital pieces of performance about the pandemic and how it has impacted people's lives. They launched "The Gratitude Initiative" exploring what 2020 taught us and what we are grateful for in 2021, using gratitude journals as a stimulus.

This was funded by Creative Scotland and supported by KHS, Sarah Keeble from SHIELD, Key workers based in Fife and On Fife Cultural trust.

Jordy’s 65 Reasons to Live ©BBC Scotland

Jordy’s 65 Reasons to Live ©BBC Scotland

A heartfelt and uplifting portrayal about one young remarkable drag queen from Leith who, despite suffering from cystic fibrosis, lives life to the max.


Wasted Youth 2.0 - Shadow White

A film exploring rape and the traumatic impact it can have on relationships.